I saw just half an hour ago a program about Türkiye and Erdoğan. It is very interesting and also very good. It is clear that Erdoğan is a great man so they don’t like him. He is a great politician. He is not an American or a Zionist agent. But he tries to make peace with Israel. I can understand this. Türkiye has to find its historical base. They will try to reach their goal. We don’t know what will happen, but I hope he will be successful, and he will be able to make peace. Actually, all this is related with economic development of Türkiye.
Let’s don’t forget that Turkish people are in a very difficult economical situation. Because there is an economic war against Türkiye. They tried to kill Erdogan, they tried to topple the government, but they didn’t manage. So, they are trying other ways. Türkiye have good relations with the Russians that can provide to control the Black Sea, and it allows Türkiye to develop its economy. The mess in the region is provoked by the CIA via manipulations.
To bring peace to the country, Erdoğan should finish the armed insurrection of Kurdish people. All conflicts on the borders should be stopped. Maybe, Ocalan can be released, and he can be opposition but should become a legal politician. Kurdish people are not the enemy of Türkiye. They are an important part of Türkiye. Most of the Kurds voted for Erdoğan such as Turks. This is a fact.
We are facing a difficult situation. There is an exploitation race also in the east of Mediterranean. And there is a war in Black Sea region. Now, Türkiye has a great opportunity to become a regional power that is respected by everybody. To get good relations with Israel that is seem as necessary because of the role of Israel on world economy, is a terrible question.
We have the situation in which this man has good relations with the Russians, although everybody is against the Russians. Allowing of Russia to the ships of Ukraine to sell their products is very interesting. One of the most important problems of the world was solved by Erdoğan. Türkiye is a member of NATO but they can’t buy advanced technology airplanes from the US, however it is not a problem. Because they can buy planes from Russia. This is the result of clever situation. I hope, Erdoğan will again be elected in the next elections. The patriotic opposition will be respected the choice of the nation. And I hope that I will play a role with Erdoğan to make Türkiye a great power again.
Today (17th of September) is the anniversary of the massacre of Sabra and Shatila. I am one of witness of the massacre. When the commander of Israeli forces saw Lebanese, he gave order to the Lebanese traitors to massacre the people who are in Sabra and Shatila. The officers including the general staff were against, they said stop it. The officers on the company of the Lebanese forces and the traitors who came from the south of Lebanon, killed innocent people. The traitor who is the head of Lebanese forces said let them do. Then he was assassinated in Lebanon. There is a massacre. Israeli army and officers were not agreed, and Israeli general staff were against. But an Israeli commander allow this to be done. First time they attacked Shatila they were massacred the Lebanese forces and they came and killed the civilians.
Tomorrow (18th of September) will be the anniversary of Black September. September of 1970 was called as Black September. I am one of the survivals of Black September. Thousands of people died. There was something I don’t want the King of Jordan to choose but there were so many mistakes of the resistance of Palestine. All the Palestinian forces left Jordan. There were only small unite which remained. And I was in that unite.
Now, there is a mess in Palestine. Extreme right racist Zionists are in power. Let’s hope, things will calm down and there will be one state which is Palestine. The historical state of Palestine which in everybody live together even those Jews who came from Germany or Russia or forever. We should all live together. We had Jewish comrades in the organization. They were anti-Zionist. Most important operation in Palestine had done by a German Jewish who was the member of the PFLP. I am afraid actual mess in Palestine. There are some religious Jews in Palestine, and they are anti-Zionist. Historically Jews suffered a lot and only Muslims protected them.
President Erdoğan wants to reach full independent. Maybe he can play a role for my liberty. Because I am the symbol of Palestinian resistance.
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